December 20, 2019
Guest post by Nic Hartmann “Whenever I see a brother who has fallen asleep during the services, I put his head in my lap and let him rest there.” Pambo, 4th century monk Every day, for most of the last two years, I have had the same ritual in the middle of the...
November 13, 2019
Guest post by Jeanie Murphy When I developed asthma, thanks to a mold exposure, I suddenly found that liturgy was often unbearable. The incense was thick, the windows tightly shut, and the priest, apologetically, said he could not change this. I said that I...
October 15, 2019
If Summer Kinard’s new book, Of Such Is the Kingdom, were a child, I’d be the godmother. The book is not flesh of my flesh; I didn’t suffer the birth pangs. But I walked with Summer while she brought this book to life. I prayed for her fervently, asking God and the...
August 26, 2019
I realized last week that, in raising my autistic children, I failed to teach a set of skills that are crucially important: I failed to teach them how to be a patient in the hospital. These skills are hard for anyone. But they are particularly hard for autistic adults...
January 16, 2019
Most children love the idea of a celebration that takes place in the middle of the night! But their parents, who are already tired by the time the Pascha service begins at midnight, may wonder how to attend with peace and joy, instead of frustration and tears....
January 9, 2019
The unnavigated twenteens of the autistic emerging adult Guest post by Alana Worth It’s an early January day and I am the arch-type harried stay-at-home mom. I had one young person who needed to see her doctor today, so I drove her there. After that appointment, we...