June 25, 2022
If you’re a reader, you know that writers often refer to characters and stories that came before them. Tolkein didn’t have to make up dragons from scratch. He expected that his readers would have read other stories about dragons, especially the dragon from Beowulf,...
March 15, 2022
When you became a godparent, you assumed responsibility before God to bring the child up in the Orthodox faith. You pray for your godchildren, of course. You light candles for them every time you enter a church. But if you mean to ensure that your godchild loves the...
February 12, 2022
What do the saints have to do with being a single mom? Some of the saints were single moms. I remember being told, years ago, that the Orthodox Church lays out for us two paths to holiness: marriage and monasticism. God, of course, wouldn’t send you to hell if you...
January 16, 2022
I’ve never been a book club person. When my kids were young, I didn’t have the time or energy for a book club. There were years that I barely had time to read at all. Those were hard years. My kids are all grown now, and even though a couple of them still live at...
November 14, 2021
I said this on my Facebook page a few years ago, and it seems worth saying again: If you can’t think of anything else to do right now, be kind. Find one or two or five organizations that feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, minister...
October 31, 2021
This morning’s Gospel was the story of a poor man named Lazarus and a rich man whose name we don’t know. Or, rather, we know his name all too well. It’s my name. It’s yours. We, all of us, are the rich man. And it’s such an interesting...