Why do Orthodox Christians call Easter Pascha? For all Christians, Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant, the heart of our faith is the Resurrection of Christ. At first, the celebration of the Resurrection was called Pesach, the Hebrew word for Passover, because the...
Updated April 2022 How many of the picture books at your house include characters with disabilities? The book collection at my godson’s house is probably typical. Four big piles of books with no disabled characters, and two very small stacks that have major or...
Some thoughts from R.J. Hughes The Orthodox faith is a faith of art in many forms. While my work was limited to the visual arts, I wanted to, and hoped I did, create a rich, colored world that reflects the beauty of a Pascha service. A huge thank you to Father John...
When my illustrator, R.J. (Becky) Hughes, had the idea of framing the pages in Catherine’s Pascha with images of Orthodox churches from around the world, she wanted to have at least one church from every continent: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South...
Do you fill a basket with candy and small gifts for your children on Pascha morning? If you’ve made an embroidered cover for the Pascha basket that you take to church, your children might like to try their hand at basket covers for their baskets at home. Older...
Project created by R.J. Hughes “Oh! Could you make a blown-egg ornament like those eggs Catherine’s holding on the cover?” A single, off-hand comment from my mother-in-law. She had arranged an author’s presentation for me at her P.E.O. Chapter. At each meeting they...